Insycal Trading

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Our Mission

To create access and satisfaction for a broad section of the domestic and export market. To make Jamaican products as accessible, appealing and satisfactory more than foreign products using the latest technology and talent in an environmentally appealing and friendly manner; while being reliableand consistent.

Who We are

Insyncal will be employing the Agri-Mart Service (AMS). Which is an administers programs that facilitate the efficient, fair marketing of agricultural products, including food, fiber, and specialty crops. AMS provides the agriculture industry with valuable services that help ensure the quality and availability of wholesome food for consumers across the around Jamaica, Africa and the world. The agency supports agriculture through a variety of programs including: Dairy, Fruit and Vegetable; Livestock, Poultry and Seed; Cotton and Tobacco, National Organic Program; Science and Technology; and the Transportation and Marketing. From individual farmers to international businesses, our mission is to support Jamaican agriculture, helping Jamaica remain competitive in a global marketplace.

Jamaica has been developing quite an appetite, the number of smartphone owners is approaching two (2) million, resulting in more and more demand for mobile access to our information. Combine that with the increase in consumers wanting access to fresh, local products, and it’s obvious why there’s such a high demand for the data in JA’s National Farmers Market Directory. The new Farmers Market Directory API (Application Programming Interface) released today will give app developers and designers direct access to the wealth of farmers market information housed in the online database.

Agri-Mart Service (AMS) will make farmers markets an integral part of the urban/farm linkage and have continued to rise in popularity. Mostly due to the growing consumer interest in obtaining fresh products directly from the farm, which is made simple through this online platform. This Digital farmers markets allow consumers to have access to locally grown, farm fresh produce. This enables farmers to get opportunity to develop a personal relationship with their customers, and cultivate consumer loyalty. Direct marketing of farm products through online farmers markets will continue to be an important sales outlet for agricultural producers nationwide. AGRI-MART will conducts regular data collection and analysis of farmers market operations and other direct-to-consumer marketing outlets on a national and regional scale, in order to help market planners, managers, participants and interested stakeholders better understand evolving influences on market performance and profitability, and be able to incorporate these considerations into their strategic and business plans.

Many farmers and ranchers, especially smaller operations, are challenged by the lack of distribution and processing infrastructure of appropriate scale that would give them wider access to retail, institutional, and commercial foodservice markets, where demand for local and regional foods continues to rise. Agri-Mart is the Food hub that will help to solve the problem, by offering a combination of production, aggregation, distribution, and marketing services. This food hub make it possible for producers to gain entry into new and additional markets that would be difficult or impossible to access on their own.

We believe that Agri-mart as a food hubs offer strong and sound infrastructure support to producers across the country which will also help build a stronger regional food system; monitors the growth and conducts case study analysis of an emerging sector of food enterprises that seek to ramp up the amount of source-identified local and regional food product available to retail, commercial food service and institutional customers by providing aggregation, storage, processing and/or distribution services on an affordable basis to small and mid-scale producers, along with targeted training and guidance aimed at improving their ability to supply larger-volume wholesale buyers.


Agri-Mart will use wholesale Market and Facility support to customers regarding new locations or the remodeling of existing ones. These facilities include wholesale market, farmers markets, public markets and food hubs, all of which are important parts of the national food distribution network. The facilities may be indoors or outdoors, a single building or an industrial complex. Our support provides guidance to create the next generation of LEED certified market facilities.

Wholesale Markets and Facility Design: provides targeted site assessment and design services for food market planners, managers and community stakeholders to improve the efficiency of permanent food market facilities.

This is a “living laboratory” for farmers operations, the farmer’s market concept has been running strong for 4 years and continue on a seasonal basis, and currently operates throughout the year in both outdoor and indoor locations. Posted here will be schedules of upcoming market days and special programs/events for farmers along with materials that provide transferable lessons about market management, layout and organizational self-assessment for use by farmers market stakeholders across the country.

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